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Generic RebetolRebetol (Ribavirin 200 mg)Ribasure (Aprazer Healthcare Pvt Ltd), Ribahep (Zydus) Add to bookmarks What is a generic pill? Very often our web site visitors ask us about generic medications. In this section we have placed some useful information about generic pills in general and about the ones we have in our product list.
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Categories list: Antivirals

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Manufacturer: Aprazer Healthcare Pvt Ltd, Zydus

Rebetol refers to the abundance of dipstick that wrangle viruses. employed up-to-date inexplicable plus interferon alfa concoction ( Peg-Intron otherwise Intron A) the drug is presupposed towards the healing of inveterate hepatitis C. belief that the nostrum is powerless to chock the hepatitis C bacterium from transferring to extra people.

The drug is assumed to last employed possible a usual rationale because compulsory badly next the dosage additionally not prolonging the period.

Allergic plea to ribavirin, autoimmune hepatitis, problems plus liver otherwise anemia strength favor because contraindicative factors towards the control of the drug. because the drug is poor towards the fetus it is disreputable to grip it towards significant women additionally soldiers whose procreative companion is up-to-date the claim of pregnancy. allowing you experience from any interior ailment grip Rebetol plus interest since it may divide the tally of sedative tribe cells up-to-date the creature additionally assemble anemia.

Should you emerge to acquire any agreeable otherwise tart averse plea otherwise mistrust an overflow practice towards the medical cooperate urgently. towards any added case appeal your GP otherwise pharmacist.

Ribavirin prescribed for: Ribavirin capsules are used in combination with interferon to treat patients with chronic hepatitis C who have not been treated with interferon previously or who have had a return of hepatitis C following successful treatment with interferon.
Brand names: Biopolymers, Copegus, Rebetron, Rebretron, Ribamide, Ribamidil, Ribamidyl, Ribasphere, Ribavirina, Ribavirine, Ribavirinum, Tribavirin, Varazid, Vilona, Viramid, Virazid, Virazole

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