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In plan to healing an corruption bugs should last purchase lighten of. usually this is the profession of antibiotics to compromise counting the task. Keflex refers to cephalosporin antibiotics which end is to fix the body from the closest types of contagions: ear, face further upper respiratory infections, contagions of urinary tract. Viral infections are not included.

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There exists a tilt of precautions concerning this medication. It includes impatience to cephalosporin antibiotics, penicillin otherwise any following sorts of medicines, problems counting stomach, liver, stomach otherwise kidneys, a novel of diabetes (liquid cure contains sugar), malnutrition. Nursing women are bigger to forestall compelling the drug.

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Cephalexin prescribed for: Cephalexin is used to treat infections caused by bacteria that are susceptible to the effects of cephalexin. Common infections that are treated with cephalexin include infections of the middle ear, tonsils, throat, larynx (laryngitis), bronchi (bronchitis) and pneumonia. It also is used for treating urinary tract, skin, and bone infections.
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