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Generic DemadexDemadex (Torsemide 10/20 mg)Dytor (Cipla Limited) Add to bookmarks What is a generic pill? Very often our web site visitors ask us about generic medications. In this section we have placed some useful information about generic pills in general and about the ones we have in our product list.
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Manufacturer: Cipla Limited

The care refers to coil diuretics further is free towards the treatment of edema (swelling) originating from the consequent conditions: heart, kidney, alternatively liver failure, alternatively as there is remainder of object water. It receptacle too continue obligatory towards the control of hypertension. The medium of its advantage oeuvre current a course that it induces the kidneys undo foremost amounts of electrolytes further aqua than usual.

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Torsemide prescribed for: Torsemide is a "water pill" (diuretic) that increases the amount of urine you make, which causes your body to get rid of excess water. This drug is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This medication also reduces swelling/fluid retention (edema) which can result from conditions such as congestive heart failure, liver disease, or kidney disease. This can help to improve symptoms such as trouble breathing.
Brand names: Luprac, Torasemida, Torasemidum, Torsemide

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